

Part time fiction and adventure writer… Full time policy wonk, marketing MBA, and political insider…

For years, I’ve worked in the thorny world of politics. Never good at compartmentalizing work and play, I married a Member of Congress. As a public relations consultant, my policy and political writing has been published under a variety of clients’ names in major publications. Working now in a Fortune 100 company’s policy and strategy group, I am a frequent public speaker.

On my down time, I’m an avid hiker, climber, skier and horse rider. Because of these hobbies, my fiction is grounded in a deep appreciation for the natural world as well as in economics and history, reflecting my areas of undergraduate study. My appreciation for the challenging job of taking my writing public is informed by my marketing MBA as well as years working in publicity.

My characters reflect my family history. My parents grew up amid the devastation of WWII in Europe and the dislocation and oppression of life behind the Iron Curtain in the darkest days of Stalin. They fought as partisans in the Hungarian Revolution; losing everything and, in so doing, gaining the freedom to choose a new life.

In these divisive times, I hope my stories help others understand America’s complex history and the amazing tapestry of our people. My poems feel naive but, in that way, I’d like to think they offer a brief respite from the jarring world in which we find ourselves these days.