Living and Writing Where Human Experience and the Natural World Meet

Humanity gives nature scale. Nature gives humanity grandeur. We have long strived to bend nature to our purposes. But, do we understand how much nature has shaped who we are, our history, our future?

My writing is steeped in history -- both cultural and personal -- but nature is always a central character. Please enjoy my fiction and poetry. Follow daily life on the farm on and the trips I take to see America and the globe from the saddle on my farm and travel blogs.

Writing is a solitary pursuit with a shared product. I invite you to join my community by subscribing to my blog or contacting me with any thoughts on my writing.

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Iron Sun Farm description and winter photo of field and barn


Fernweh – it’s a German term that means the ache to be away. I love this idea – the poignance of homesickness but for travel. Strangely, I’ve never felt fernweh. True, anyone who reads my travel blog, RideOverCountry, knows I love adventure. And sure, there were days when my kids were little that I’d look at my old red truck and picture driving it into the sunset, windows open, Tom Petty blaring, and no one on that hard vinyl bench but me and my dog. Still, ‘at home’ has always held as great an allure to me as ‘at large’. In fact, for me, there are two ideal states of being – in a place so unfamiliar that the very air tastes exotic or cloistered away on Peach Tree Road. These 26 acres have been the theater of my life for the past 25 years. But, they have never been my 'living.' Now, with retirement finally coming into view, I’m going to change that. Let me introduce you to this plot of land that defines me and follow my journey as I slowly convert it into Iron Sun Farm.


Horse view from rider and description of Ride Over Country Blog

My Travel Blog: RideOverCountry

Horses have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I rode with my father when I was a small child and used horses to escape once I had kids of my own. I’ve travelled the globe riding. But lately, I’ve come to realize, I’ve had much more intimate experiences seeing those other countries from horseback than I have had seeing my own. So, I’m going take my time and see America from between two pointy ears. This blog will follow my journeys — the prep and the trip. It will include practical tips for riders and travelers as well as reflections and impressions that may appeal to the adventurer inside us all.